Equipment Need for Mobile Clinic
In 2018 we lost the use of Long Pond Clinic due to the closure of the associated distillery. Our equipment and supplies that have been annually housed at the clinic were moved to a storage spot in Duncans. Fall of 2019 we utilized a Ministry of Health Clinic in Ulster Springs a mountainous rural area of Trelawny. It was a beautiful clinic but with a smaller surrounding population. We didn’t even have to transport our dental units or compressors as the rural clinic was fully capable. Though 2019 was a good experience at a fully equipped clinic, it was decided we’d rather be back in the northern part of the parish where we would see higher numbers of patients.
For 2020 we expect to be in a building right in Duncans. Our patient load is expected to be close to 2000 over 3 weeks. Most of our equipment is sufficient to set up a preventative, restorative and surgical clinic but we have an imperative need. WE NEED TWO MOBILE COMPRESSORS.
A campaign to raise the funds is going to be started this month and we’ll be referring potential donors to this website. Hope everyone looks thru the site a bit and gets a feel from where we’ve been and what we are now.
Below is what we’re hoping to acquire. Two of these 45 pound “suitcase like” compressors will power our two dental restore carts. If you can please “GIVE” by the link in the column to the right of this post.
$5, … $20,… $35,….. $100,… $??? ANY AMOUNT is helpful and tax-deductible
Keep you updated on how this works out! As always …. “Much Respect” 😎🇯🇲