Fall Trip Plans,...
Three groups will be traveling to Jamaica this year from Oct 27th thru Nov 17th. Everyone already has flight reservations. Housing has been secured at Silver Sands. Long Pond will be the main clinic site with visits likely to other regional MOH clinics. The dental and hygiene students are pumped. Their fund raising efforts have been successful and we'll be able to meet expenses. It has been coming together as well as we could hope. Yeah Mon!
Emails Out To Project Alumni
Been working with the D '14 and Hygiene students to get emails out to all of the Jamaica Project alumni we have addresses on. Notes started going out this week and we're hopeful that some financial support will result. Besides the funds I'm hoping folks will take a look at this web site too. I want everyone to help me correct the mistakes, find people I haven't been able to locate, get more photos and hear more stories.
Donation Link Now Up!
Was just able to work with the VCU School of Dentistry's Development and Alumni Relations office to get a "Donations Link" added to the web site. The column adjacent to this blog contains the link. All a person has to do is click on the word GIVE and your browser will take you to a VCU web page. At the top of the page is a drop down menu where you can then select "Jamaica Project Fund". I've been assured the project will actually get the funds! Try it out,....
'96 Fall Group 1 Photos Added
Thanks to Andria Chapman-Taliaferro the 1996 Fall Group 1 now gets some visual representation on the web site. She sent me her photo album made years ago. The shots helped me refine some information as well.
"Soon come more photos from all of you,...Yeah Mon!"
MOH & Other Appointments In Jamaica, May 2013
This past month Bob Barnes and Mick Pope traveled down to Jamaica for a series of appointments with parties involved in the VCU Jamaica Project. Ministry of Health (MOH) officials in Trelawny and Kingston were called upon. Everglade Farms, who provide Long Pond Clinic for use, were part of the itinerary. Homeowners in Silver Sands and local sponsor Keith Russell rounded out the meetings completed. All involved felt the time spent together was productive and bridge building The VCU Jamaica Project 2013 groups should find "no problems".
Lost Group Found,..
Records for the Jamaica Project are incomplete. I was researching contact information on the internet and happened to call Chad Goeckeritz's office for an email address. Chad got on the phone with me and corrected my data. Turns out there were two groups in the fall of 2007 I had no records on. He pulled together his notes and pics, sent them to me and now I've been able to add "2007 - Group 2 Fall" to the site. Way to go Chad! Now I've got to find the first group that season,..... Help!!!
Jamaica Project Poster at VCU Global Health Symposium
Some D-14's took on the task of composing a POSTER detailing the Jamaica Project that was submitted and accepted to the VCU Global Health Symposium being held this month in Richmond. David Malan, Frank DeLatour, Katelyn Farrell and Rachael Phillips each played a part in the effort. Good for them and good exposure for the Project!
Upcoming Meeting With D'14 Students
On March 20th at 5:15pm in Lyons 443 there will be a meeting of all D'14 students interested in participating in the Jamaica Project this fall. David Malan (D'14) has already emailed PDF forms of required Jamaica MOH paperwork for those possibly going down to have completed. Dr. Barnes will be presenting an overview of the project. He'll address student requirements, fundraising needs, individual expected expenses, logistical information and stories from his many years of personal experience. This is a "must meeting" for those considering taking the plunge.
Jamaica 2012 Party
On 2/27/13 a party for last falls Jamaica groups was held. Perry and Beverly Jones hosted the evening. About 25 project alumni turned out. Photos, videos, food and drink were served up. Stories were told,.... Good times!
New Webpage Added
Dates Set for 2013 Trip,...
A meeting of the collective minds got together a week or so ago and have set the schedule for the 2013 trip. Three consecutive groups will travel down to Trelawny, Jamaica between 10/27/13 thru 11/17/13. There's much to do. The obtaining of supplies, fund raising, group member selection, acquiring housing and transportation are tasks that need to be acted on. All input is welcome!
Long Pond Clinic
Organizational Meeting at VCU
Next week a number of people will be meeting to start to put together the 2013 trip this coming fall. It may seem like a while before we'll have "boots on the groud", but to get the paperwork, supplies, housing, money and volunteers in order it's never too soon!
Video Added,...
Was able to figure out how to add this great short video from Erin "EC" Martin, DH 2013. It's linked in from YouTube and is a fun watch for all. Bravo!!
The Trial is Over,...
Stopped the Trial webpage and signed on for the domain "jamaicaprojectvcu.com". Over the next short while there will be photos added to many of the galleries. Hopefully as people view their group, corrections will be forwarded thru the comment option. Would also enjoy any history people can share of their experience. Should people have photos, they can be emailed to "jamaicaprojectvcu@gmail.com". It's going to be a learning process,...